"Static fluctuations of a thick 1D interface in the 1+1 Directed Polymer
The one-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation is at the crossroad
between a wide range of theoretical models and experimental systems such as
roughening phenomena and stochastic growth, the Burgers equation in
hydrodynamics or the 1+1 Directed Polymer, and the very definition and
implications of the KPZ universality class have been expanding since the 1980',
both in physicists and mathematicians communities.
We have tackled the interplay between thermal fluctuations and a correlated
disordered energy landscape, from the vantage point of static 1D elastic
interfaces in a random-bond disorder. The experimental realizations of such
interfaces always exhibit a non-zero disorder correlation length or thickness
(typically tens of nanometers for domain walls in ferromagnetic thin films), and
turn out to display a low-temperature regime where thermal fluctuations have not
totally erased the imprint of the disorder correlation. This low-temperature
regime is experimentally relevant for ferromagnetic domain walls, but thanks to
the KPZ connections it might also describe the high-velocity steady-state
dynamics of interfaces in nematic liquid crystals (even though without