On the Growth and Phase Transitions of Self-Assembled
Quantum Dots -- Theoretical Studies
The talk discusses first some earlier analytic approaches
on the growth and phase transitions of self-assembled
quantum dots formed on semiconductor surfaces.
Furthermore, current related research activity will be
presented regarding a remarkable bulk morphological transition
taking place in a layered prototype system. Our related
Monte Carlo and Cahn-Hilliard simulations reproduced
all the experimentally observed morphological
phases including the growth of pinholes,
the formation of a percolation network and
its breaking up into isolated quantum-dots.
The simulated dot sizes were in a quantitative
agreement with the experimental values.
The robustness of the results, i. e. the insensitivity
to temperature and to the details of atomic exchange
mechanisms and binding interaction types undoubtedly
demonstrates the topological nature
of this nanocapillarity forces driven transition.