"The quantum RC-circuit: universal and giant charge dissipation in
strongly correlated regimes"
The quantum coherence effects between electrons in nanodevices lead to a
rich variety of phenomena in quantum transport. One of these is the
violation of Kirchhoff's laws in the quantum RC-circuit. In this system,
a metallic lead exchanges electrons coherently with a quantum dot driven
dynamically by a top metallic gate. In the non interacting case,
the charge relaxation resistance of the system differs from the usual
dc-transport resistance given by the Landauer formula. The charge
relaxation resistance is universally fixed to h/(2e2) for a single mode
conductor, regardless of the transmission of the mode. I will show that
the Fermi liquid behavior of these systems at low energy explains this
universality even in the presence of strong interactions in the dot.
Moreover, I will discuss the emergence of a giant dissipation regime
associated to the breaking of the Kondo singlet for Zeeman energies of
the order of the Kondo temperature. I will provide a comprehensive
analytical description of the peak of the charge relaxation resistance
associated to this giant dissipation and demonstrate its persistence out
of the Kondo regime.