"Many Particle Models of Stochastic Transport"

Active transport is critical for cellular organization and function. Much of the intracellular long-distance transport is carried out by specialised proteins, so-called molecular motors. The molecular motors are connected to cargo like vesicles or cell organelles, and moving along the filaments of the cytoskeleton. Molecular motors of the kinesin and dynein family move in opposite direction along microtubule-filaments. Some of the cargo is even moved by kinesin and dynein motors, and frequently changes its directionality.

In my talk I will discuss a few coorperative transport phenomena that are related to motor driven intracellular transport. In particular variants of stochastic many particle models of transport by molecular motors are discussed, which show a strong tendency to form macroscopic clusters on static lattices. Inspired by the fact that the microscopic tracks for molecular motors are dynamical, the influence of different types of lattice dynamics on stochastic bidirectional transport will be examined.