"Nanoscale Nonlinear Thermoelectricity - Cooling, Catastrophes and Carnot"

I start by summarizing thermoelectric effects, and how we might be able to use them for refrigeration, perhaps to cool nanoscale systems to previously unreachable temperatures (as low as a few mK). However quantum effects cannot be ignored in such low temperature nanoscale systems. Thus, I develop a quantum theory of thermoelectric effects, which is capable of dealing with the highly non-linear effects necessary for efficient refrigerators.

I apply the theory to refrigeration by point-contacts including Hartree-type interaction effects, and predict a discontinuity in the cooling response (a ``fold-catastrophe'' in mathematics). I then turn to arbitrary such quantum systems, and show that there are certain fundamental bounds on heat-flow. Some of these bounds are thermodynamic in nature, such as Carnot's thermodynamic bounds on heat engines and refrigeration, while others are purely quantum.

R.S. Whitney, Preprint arXiv:1208.6130
R.S. Whitney, Preprint arXiv:1211.4737