Research projects
Single-shot readout and coherent manipulation of spins in CMOS devices for quantum technologies
Scalability is one main challenge in the field of quantum computation. Therefore, qubits compatible with CMOS (complementary-metal-oxide- semiconductor) fabrication techniques would be the ultimate solution to scale up qubit systems. While silicon fabrication in small scale lacks in accuracy, necessary for these devices, processes developed for industrial 300 mm wafer achieve high accuracy and reliability. Therefore, the devices are fabricated in a semi-industrial cleanroom at the CEA-LETI.
Our objective is to developp scalable methods to read and manipulate spin qubits in fast and efficient way.
Interfacing spin qubits with ferromagnetic materials
This project propose to investigate the use of ferromagnetic materials for interfacing spin qubit. The first objective is to engineer local magnetic field to manipulate spin qubit through electric dipole spin resonance or by displacing electron in this tailored field. The second objective is to exploit dynamical properties of magnets to drive spin qubit and explore quantum magnonic.
Physical properties of impurities in silicon
This project propose to investigate the coherent coupling between a single atom and a quantum dot in silicon nanodevices. We are interested in both optical and coherent properties of this single impurity (donor or rare earth). For this purpose we are developping a cryogenic setup with high frequency lines and optical access. In particular, using identified devices that exhibit a strong coupling between a quantum dot and a single donor, we will investigate the coherent manipulation and transfer of spin information between them. The experiment will comprise three steps: i) the manipulation of the spin information using microwave excitations in order to create superposition of states ii) its transfer back and forth between the two objects by electron shuttling or by exchange interaction iii) and lastly the reading of the spin information. Finally, extended architectures comprising few donors and quantum dots will be considered and a transfer of information over longer distances will be tested.