2018: CNRS Research Director
2017: Habilitation of the Université Grenoble-Alpes
2006: Permanent researcher at Néel Institute
2003: PhD from LPT-ENS and Université Pierre et Marie Curie
1996: Admission at ENS-Ulm, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris
Research interests
I am part of the team Theory of Quantum
Circuits, in the department QUEST
("Quantum Electronics, Surfaces and spinTronics") of the
Neel Institute at CNRS
in Grenoble.
My personal research concerns the theory of electronic transport in nanostructures
in which quantum effects involving non-linearities, local magnetism, superconductivity,
or wavelike behavior play a prominent role. I also hold a keen interest for strongly
correlated systems in condensed matter, and have been recently involved into
many-body quantum optics in the context of circuit-QED.
Check out the general activities of the joint
Neel Theory Group, which
all the theory teams in our lab, as well as our
Twitter account for the
latest news and
daily life at NEEL.
Weekly Theoretical-Condensed-Matter-Physics Seminar in Grenoble
The seminar usually takes place on Friday at 11AM in the main amphitheatre
of the "Maison des Magistères". Once a month we organize a CPTG Colloquium
aiming at a broader audience. Do not hesitate to contact me if you want to
present your work or to propose some external speakers.