The initial Fiesta GW/Bethe-Salpeter code was written as a serial F90 version in 2010 by
Xavier Blase (Institut Neel, CNRS, Grenoble). Then came the
serious developers, in particular Ivan Duchemin (L_sim/INAC/CEA/Grenoble) who optimized the code,
wrote the MPI parallel Fiesta version, implemented the RI-V (Coulomb metric) resolution of the
identity and the "beyond Tamm-Dancoff" version of Bethe-Salpeter.
Paul Boulanger , as a postdoc here in Grenoble (2013-2014), seriously consolidated the code by
making, among other things,
the connection with the NWChem package, opening the door to all-electron calculations
with well-tested and more systematic bases (Dunning correlation consistent basis, etc.)
Carina Faber, as a PhD student, performed most of the first calculations related to this
project (and designed the logo we are using today on the basis of her German vision of French people).
Claudio Attaccalite performed benchmark calculations with the planewave GW/BSE Yambo code.
Finally, Valerio Olevano served as the wise man in the early part of this project, guiding us
as Dante through the inferno of the recent developments in the field. Jing Li (postdoc, 2015-2017)
and Gabriele D'Avino developed the QM/MM Fiesta fonctionality by coupling with the Mescal MM code,
a discrete polarizable model with induced charges and dipoles response.
BeDeft package
Ivan Duchemin is the main developer of the beDeft code.
David Amblard is developping a subsystem fragment approach to GW and BSE.
Jose de Jesus Villalobos-Castro implements analytic forces within BSE.
Mauricio Rodriguez-Mayorga develops exciton-exciton coupling at the BSE level within a subsystem approach under the guidance of Gabriele D'Avino.