Christopher BÄUERLE



- Long-range spin transfer using individual electrons
B. Bertrand, S. Hermelin, S. Takada, M. Yamamoto, S. Tarucha, A. Ludwig, A. D. Wieck, C. Bäuerle, and T. Meunier

- Using a two-electron spin qubit to detect individual electrons flying above the Fermi sea
Romain Thalineau, Andreas D. Wieck, Christopher Bäuerle and Tristan Meunier

- Quantum manipulation of two-electron spin states in metastable double quantum dots
Benoit Bertrand, Hanno Flentje, Shintaro Takada, Michihisa Yamamoto, Seigo Tarucha, Arne Ludwig, Andreas D. Wieck, Christopher Bäuerle, and Tristan Meunier
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 096801 (2015) (pdf)

- Quand l’electronique s’inspire de l’optique
Tristan Meunier et Christopher Bäuerle
La Recherche, hors série N° 14, p 41 (2015) (pdf)

- Measurement of the Transmission Phase of an Electron in a Quantum Two-Path Interferometer
 S. Takada, M. Yamamoto, C. Bäuerle, K. Watanabe, A. Ludwig, A. D. Wieck and S. Tarucha
 Applied Phys. Lett. 107, 063101 (2015); (cover page) (pdf)


- Transmission phase in the Kondo regime revealed in a true two-path interferometer
S. Takada, C. Bäuerle, M. Yamamoto, K. Watanabe, S. Hermelin, T. Meunier, A. Alex, A. Weichselbaum,
J. von Delft, A. D. Wieck, and S. Tarucha
PRL 113, 126601 (2014) (pdf)

- Interplay between exchange interaction and magnetic field gradient in a double quantum dot with two individual electron spin qubits
Romain Thalineau, Sasha René Valentin, Andreas D. Wieck, Christopher Bäuerle and Tristan Meunier
Phys.Rev. B 90, 075436 (2014)

- Un électron surfeur 
Tristan Meunier, Sylvain Hermelin, Laurent Saminadayar, Christopher Bäuerle
Invited article, Reflets de la physique, numéro 38, pages 10-14, 2014 (pdf)

- Superconductive nanodiamond and devices
Soumen Mandal, Tobias Bautze and Christopher Bäuerle
Invited Chapter in Nanodiamond, RSC Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Series, published by The Royal Society of Chemistry, edited by O.A. Williams, 385-410 (2014) (pdf)

- Theoretical, numerical, and experimental study of a flying qubit electronic interferometer
T. Bautze, C. Süssmeier, S. Takada, C. Groth, T. Meunier, M. Yamamoto, S. Tarucha, X.Waintal, and C. Bäuerle
PRB 89 125432 (2014) (pdf)

- Superconducting nano-mechanical diamond resonators
T. Bautze, S. Mandal, O. A. Williams, P. Rodière, T. Meunier, and C. Bäuerle
Carbon, 72,100 (2014) (pdf)


Magnetic Dephasing in Mesoscopic Spin Glasses
T. Capron, G. Forestier,  A. Perrat-Mabilon, C. Peaucelle, T. Meunier, C. Bäuerle, L. P. Lévy, D. Carpentier, and Laurent Saminadayar
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 187203 (2013) (pdf)

Iron impurities in gold and silver (II): Comparison of transport measurements to numerical renormalization group calculations exploiting non-Abelian symmetries
M. Hanl,  A. Weichselbaum, T. A. Costi, F. Mallet,  L. Saminadayar,  C. Bäuerle,  and J. von Delft
Phys. Rev. B 88, 075146 (2013) (pdf)

Observation of conduction electron spin resonance in boron-doped diamond
Peter Szirmai Gabor, Janos Koltai, B.alint Nafradi, Laszlo Forro, Thomas
Pichler, Oliver A. Williams, Soumen Mandal, Christopher Bäuerle, and Ferenc Simon
Phys. Rev. B 87, 195132 (2013) (pdf)

Fast and efficient single electron transfer between distant quantum dots
S. Hermelin,  S. Takada,  M. Yamamoto, S. Tarucha, A. D. Wieck, L. Saminadayar, C. Bäuerle, and T. Meunier,
J. Appl. Phys. 113, 136508 (2013) (pdf)


A detailed analysis of the Raman spectra in superconducting boron doped nanocrystalline diamond
Péter Szirmai, Thomas Pichler, Oliver A. Williams, Soumen Mandal, Christopher Bäuerle, and Ferenc Simon,
Phys. Status Solidi B, 249: 2656-2659 (2012)

Single electron transport using a surface acoustic wave: towards quantum optical experiments with flying electrons
Michihisa Yamamoto, Shintaro Takada, Seigo Tarucha, Sylvain Hermelin, Christopher Bäuerle, Tristan Meunier, “Butsuri”, Physics Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 67, no 4 p163-169 (2012)

A few-electron quadruple quantum dot in a closed loop,
Romain Thalineau, Sylvain Hermelin, Andreas D. Wieck, Christopher Bäuerle, Laurent Saminadayar, Tristan Meunier,
Applied Physics Letters 101, 103102 (2012)

Transport through side-coupled double quantum dots: from weak to strong interdot coupling
D.Y. Baines, T. Meunier, D. Mailly, A.D. Wieck , C. Bäuerle , L. Saminadayar,  Pablo S. Coraglia, G. Usaj, C.A. Balseiro, D. Feinberg
Phys. Rev. B 85, 195117 (2012)

Electrical control of a solid state flying qubit
Michihisa Yamamoto, Shintaro Takada, Christopher Bäuerle, Kenta Watanabe, Andreas D. Wieck & Seigo Tarucha
Nature Nanotechnology 7, 247-251 (2012) (pdf)

Einzelne Elektronen surfen auf einer Schallwelle
Christopher Bäuerle, Tristan Meunier, Andreas D. Wieck, Seigo Tarucha
Physik in unserer Zeit, 43. Jahrgang, Januar 2012, p. 8-9 (pdf)


Electrons surfing on a sound wave as a platform for quantum optics with flying electrons
Sylvain Hermelin, Shintaro Takada, Michihisa Yamamoto, Seigo Tarucha, Andreas D. Wieck, Laurent Saminadayar, Christopher Bäuerle and Tristan Meunier
Nature 477, 435-438 (2011)(pdf)

The Diamond Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
S. Mandal , T. Bautze, O. A. Williams, C. Naud, O. A. Williams, E. Bustarret, F. Omnès, P. Rodière, T. Meunier, C. Bäuerle, L. Saminadayar
ACS Nano, VOL. 5 No. 9, 71447148  (2011) link

Remanence effects in the electrical resistivity of spin glasses
Thibaut Capron, Angela Perrat-Mabilon, Christophe Peaucelle, Tristan Meunier, David Carpentier, Laurent P. Lévy, Christopher Bäuerle and Laurent Saminadayar
Europhysics Letters 93, 27001 (2011) arXiv:1011.4371

Efficient Radio Frequency filters for space constraint cryogenic set-ups
S. Mandal , R. Blinder, T. Bautze,T. Meunier, L. Saminadayar and C. Bäuerle
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 024704 (2011). arXiv:1012.5175


Detailed study of superconductivity in nanostructured nanocrystalline boron doped diamond thin films
S. Mandal , C. Naud, O. A. Williams, E. Bustarret, F. Omnès, P. Rodière,T. Meunier, L. Saminadayar and C. Bäuerle
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 206A, 1-6 (2010) / DOI10.1002/pssa.20100008 (cover page). pdf

Nanostructures made from superconducting boron-doped diamond
S. Mandal , C. Naud, O. A. Williams, E. Bustarret, F. Omnès, P. Rodière,T. Meunier, L. Saminadayar and C. Bäuerle
Nanotechnology, 21, 195303 (2010) arXiv:1003.1284

Quantum Coherence at Low Temperatures in Mesoscopic Systems: Effect of Disorder
Yasuhiro Niimi, Yannick Baines, Thibaut Capron, Dominique Mailly, Fang-Yuh Lo, Andreas. D. Wieck, Tristan Meunier, Laurent Saminadayar and Christopher Bäuerle
PRB 81, 245306 (2010) , editor's suggestion and highlights in PHYSICS pdf

Quantum Coherence and Magnetic Scattering
Christopher Bäuerle, Pascal Degiovanni and, Laurent Saminadayar
Invited article, Int. J. Nanotechnology, Vol. 7, 403-419 (2010). link


A microstructural study of superconductive nanocrystalline diamond
M.P. Villar, M.P. Allegre, D. Araujo, E. Bustarret, P. Achatz, L. Saminadayar, C. Bäuerle and O. Williams
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 206 No1, 3-10 (2009) pdf

Effect of Disorder on the Quantum Coherence in Mesoscopic Wires
Y.Niimi, Y. Baines, T. Capron, D. Mailly, F.-Y. Lo, A.D. Wieck, T. Meunier, L.Saminadayar and C. Bäuerle
Physical Review Letters 102, 226801 (2009); editor's selection,selected for the June 15, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, . arXiv:0809.1381

Kondo decoherence: finding the right spin model for iron impurities in gold and silver
T. A. Costi, L. Bergqvist, A. Weichselbaum, J. von Delft, T. Micklitz, A. Rosch, P. Mavropoulos, P. H. Dederichs, F. Mallet, L. Saminadayar, and C. Bäuerle,
Physical Review Letters 102, 056802 (2009). arXiv:0810.1771


Ensemble averaging in metallic quantum networks
F. Mallet, F. Schopfer, D. Mailly, G. Montambaux, C. Texier, L. Saminadayar, C. Bäuerle,
« Proceedings of the International Symposium MS+S 2006 », World Scientific Publisher, edited by Hideaki Takayanagi and Junsaku Nitta, pp. 345-351 (2008).

Dephasing in Kondo systems: comparison between theory and experiment
F. Mallet, F. Schopfer, J. Ericsson, L. Saminadayar, C. Bäuerle,
« Proceedings of the International Symposium MS+S 2006 », World Scientific Publisher, edited by Hideaki Takayanagi and Junsaku Nitta, pp. 221 - 226 (2008).

Low temperature dephasing in irradiated metallic wires
T. Capron, Y. Niimi, F. Mallet, Y. Baines, F-Y. Lo, A. Melnikov, A.D. Wieck , L. Saminadayar, C. Bäuerle
Phys. Rev. B. 77, 033102 (2008) pdf


Electron Phase Cherence at low temperatures : the role of magnetic impurities
L. Saminadayar, P. Mohanty, R.A. Webb, P. Degiovanni, C. Bäuerle
Review article, Physica E (in press) doi:10.1016/j.physe.2007.05.026. pdf

Quantum Coherence in metallic networks: from macroscopic to mesoscopic physics
F. Mallet, F. Schopfer, D. Mailly, G. Montambaux, C. Texier, C. Bäuerle, and L. Saminadayar,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 026807 (2007) pdf


Scaling of the low temperature dephasing rate of Kondo systems
F. Mallet, J. Ericsson, D. Mailly, S. Ünlübayir, D. Reuter, A. Melnikov, A.D. Wieck, T. Micklitz, A. Rosch, T.A. Costi, L. Saminadayar, and C. Bäuerle,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 226804 (2006) pdf

Ferromagnetic nanoclusters in two-dimensional 3He
E. Collin, C. Bäuerle, Yu. M. Bunkov, and H. Godfrin
Phys. Rev. B. 97, 125421 (2006). pdf


Experimental test of the NRG theory for inelastic scattering from magnetic impurities
C. Bäuerle, F. Mallet, F. Schopfer, D. Mailly, G. Eska, L. Saminadayar,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 266805 (2005). pdf


Observation of h/e conductance oscillations in disordered metallic T3 network
F. Schopfer, F. Mallet, C. Naud, G. Faini, D. Mailly, L. Saminadayar and C. Bäuerle
in “Quantum Information and Decoherence in Nanosystems”, eds. D.C. Glattli, M. Sanquer, J.Tran Thanh Van, p267 (2004).

Electron Phase Coherence and Kondo effect in Mesoscopic Au/Fe Wires
C. Bäuerle, F. Schopfer, W. Rabaud, L. Saminadayar
in “Quantum Information and Decoherence in Nanosystems”, eds. D.C. Glattli, M. Sanquer, J.Tran Thanh Van, p263 (2004).

Equilibrium Properties of Mesoscopic Conductors,
L. Saminadayar, C. Bäuerle, D. Mailly,
Review article, invited chapter published in Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,
ed. H.S. Nalwa, Volume 3, pages (267-285) (2004). pdf


Phase coherence in mesoscopic Kondo wires
F. Schopfer, C. Bäuerle, W. Rabaud, L. Saminadayar
Invited article, Advances in Solid State Physics, vol 43, p 181-191, (2003), ed. Bernhard Kramer. Springer Verlag. pdf

Anomalous temperature dependence of the dephasing time in mesoscopic Kondo wires
F. Schopfer, C. Bäuerle, W. Rabaud, L. Saminadayar,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 056801 (2003). pdf

Characterization of ZYX Graphite for Studies of Two-Dimensional 3He at Ultra-Low Temperatures
S. Murakawa, Y. Niimi, Y. Matsumoto, K. Honkura, C. Bäuerle, Hiroshi Fukuyama
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics.
Physica B 329-333, 144-145 (2003). pdf

Experimental Apparatus for Heat Capacity Measurements of 2D 3He in Magnetic Fields,
Y. Matsumoto, S. Murakawa, K. Honkura, C. Baüerle, H. Kambara, Hiroshi Fukuyama
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics,
Physica B 329-333, 146-147 (2003). pdf

Persistent Currents in a network of connected mesoscopic rings.
W. Rabaud, L. Saminadayar, D. Mailly, C. Bäuerle, K. Hasselbach, A. Benoît, B. Etienne,
in « Toward The Controllable Quantum States », World Scientific Publisher, edited by Hideaki Takayanagi and Junsaku Nitta, p. 308, ( 2003). pd02


The Two Dimensional World of 3He: magnetism and quantum frustration in a monoatomic layer.
C. Bäuerle and H. Fukuyama,
invited contribution, Bulletin of the 57th spring meeting of the Japanese Physical Society (2002).


Quantum Frustration in the ‘spin liquid’ phase of two-dimensional 3He
E. Collin. S. Triqueneaux, R. Harakaly, M. Roger, C. Bäuerle, Yu.M. Bunkov, H. Godfrin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2447 (2001). pdf


Superfluidity of 3He contained in Aerogel
D.J. Cousins, C. Bäuerle, Yu. M. Bunkov, A.S. Chen, E. Collin, H. Godfrin
Proc. of the 22nd. Int. Conf on Low Temp. Physics, Helsinki, July 4-11, 1999,
Physica B. 284, 311 (2000)

Microfabrication of Silicon Vibrating Wires
S. Triqueneaux, E. Collin, D.J. Cousins, T. Fournier, C. Bäuerle,
Yu. M. Bunkov and H. Godfrin
Proc. of the 22nd. Int. Conf on Low Temp. Physics, Helsinki, July 4-11, 1999,
Physica B. 284, 2141 (2000)

The Origin of Nuclear Magnetism in Solid 3He: Determination of Multi-Spin Exchange Frequencies
C. Bäuerle, Yu. M. Bunkov , A.S. Chen, D.J. Cousins, H. Godfrin, M. Roger, S. Triqueneaux.
Physica B. 280, 95 (2000) invited contribution.

The Grenoble « Cosmological » Experiment
C. Bäuerle,Yu. M. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher and H. Godfrin,
NATO Science Series, Topological Defects and the Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Symmetry Breaking Phase Transitions, Vol. 549, 105-120 (2000). invited contribution


Transitions de Phases et Défauts Topologiques: de la Matière Condensée à la Cosmologie
C. Bäuerle, Y. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher, H. Godfrin and G.R. Pickett.
invited article, Images de la Physique, p. 59-66 (1998).

Ultra-low Temperature Susceptibility of a Highly Frustrated Two-Dimensional Solid 3He Magnet
C. Bäuerle, A.S. Chen,Yu. M. Bunkov, H. Godfrin and M. Roger,
J. of Low Temp. Phys. 113, 287 (1998).

Structure and Magnetism of Second-layer Solid 3He Films in the Intermediate Regime
C. Bäuerle, A.S. Chen, S. Triqueneaux, Yu. M. Bunkov, H. Godfrin and M. Roger,
J. of Low Temp. Phys. 113, 259 (1998).

Studies of 2D Cryocrystals by STM Techniques
C. Bäuerle, N. Mori, G. Kurata and Hiroshi Fukuyama,
J. of Low Temp. Phys. 113, 927-932 (1998).

Nuclear Magnetic Properties of Solid 3He Films
M. Roger, C. Bäuerle and H. Godfrin,
J. of Low Temp. Phys. 113, 249 -258 (1998).

Adsorbed 3He NMR thermometry below 1 Kelvin.
C. Bäuerle, A.S. Chen, S. Triqueneaux, Y. Bunkov and H. Godfrin
Proceedings of the Workshop of the Comité Consultatif de Thermométrie
Leiden, August 31st 1998.

Temperature Scale in the 100 µK range.
C. Bäuerle, Y. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher and H. Godfrin
Proceedings of the Workshop of the Comité Consultatif de Thermométrie
Leiden, August 31st 1998.

Temperature scale and heat capacity of Superfluid 3He-B in the 100 µK range
C. Bäuerle, Yu.M. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher and H. Godfrin,
Phys. Rev. B 57, 14381 (1998).

Some structural properties of solid 3He films. Consequences on 3He film ferromagnetism.
M. Roger, C. Bäuerle, H. Godfrin, L. Pricaupenko and J. Treiner.
J. of Low Temp. Phys. 112, 451 (1998).

Multiple-Spin Exchange on a Triangular Lattice: A Quantitative Interpretation of Thermodynamic Properties of Two-Dimensional Solid 3He
M. Roger, C. Bäuerle, Yu.M. Bunkov, A.S. Chen, H. Godfrin.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 80, 1308 (1998). pdf

Superfluid 3He simulation of cosmic string creation in the early universe
C. Bäuerle, Yu.M. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher, H. Godfrin and G.R. Pickett.
J. of Low Temp. Phys. 110, 13 (1998)

STM Observations of Helium Atoms Adsorbed on Graphite Surfaces.
C. Bäuerle, N. Mori, T. Kumakura, M. Morishita and Hiroshi Fukuyama.
J. of Low Temp. Phys. 110, 641 (1998).

Ultralow temperature magnetic properties of liquid 3He films
C. Bäuerle, Yu.M. Bunkov, A.S. Chen, S.N. Fisher and H. Godfrin.
J. of Low Temp. Phys. 110, 333 (1998).

Thermodynamic properties of multilayer 3He films described by high temperature series expansions of the multiple spin exchange Hamiltonian.
C. Bäuerle, Yu.M. Bunkov, A.S. Chen, H. Godfrin, M. Roger.
J. of Low Temp. Phys. 110, 345 (1998).


Vortex Creation in Superfluid 3He after a rapid phase transition.
A laboratory simulation for Cosmic String Creation in the Early Universe.
C. Bäuerle, Y. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher, H. Godfrin and G.R. Pickett
Bulletin of the Japanese Physical Society, Volume 52, Issue 2, Part 3, p.660 (1997).

STM studies of Helium Atoms Adsorbed on Graphite Surfaces.
N. Mori, C. Bäuerle, M. Morishita and Hiroshi Fukuyama.
Proceedings of the Conference of the Japanese Physical Society 97, Bulletin
of the Japanese Physical Society, Volume 52, Issue 2, Part 3, p.665 (1997).


El Universo en una probeta
C. Bäuerle, Y. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher, H. Godfrin and G.R. Pickett.
Mundo Científico, 174, Décembre 1996.

L'Univers dans une éprouvette.
C. Bäuerle, Y. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher, H. Godfrin and G.R. Pickett.
La Recherche, 291, 26 (1996).

Laboratory simulation of cosmic string formation in the early Universe using Superfluid 3He.
C. Bäuerle, Y. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher, H. Godfrin and G.R. Pickett.
Nature, 382, 332 (1996) and 383, 570 (1996). pdf

Simulated Cosmic Strings in a Big Bang in superfluid 3He at 100 microKelvin.
S.N. Fisher, C. Bäuerle, Y. Bunkov, H. Godfrin and G.R. Pickett.
Proc. of the 21st. Int. Conf on Low Temp. Physics, Prague, Août 8-14 1996
Czekoslovak J. of Phys. 46, suppl S1, 5, 1996.

The new Grenoble 100 microKelvin refrigerator.
C. Bäuerle, Y. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher, Chr. Gianese and H. Godfrin.
Proc. of the 21st. Int. Conf on Low Temp. Physics, Prague, Août 8-14 1996
Czekoslovak J. of Phys. 46, suppl S5, 2791, 1996.

Systematic study of 3He adsorbed on graphite by NMR techniques.
C. Bäuerle, Y. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher and H. Godfrin.
Proc. of the 21st. Int. Conf on Low Temp. Physics, Prague, Août 8-14 1996
Czekoslovak J. of Phys. 46, suppl S1, 399, 1996.

He /graphite commensurate bilayer films in the antiferromagnetic regime.
C. Bäuerle, Y. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher and H. Godfrin.
Proc. of the 21st. Int. Conf on Low Temp. Physics, Prague, Août 8-14 1996
Czekoslovak J. of Phys. 46, suppl S1, 401, 1996.

Magnetic Field dependence of the nuclear magnetization of 3He films adsorbed on graphite
in the ferromagnetic regime.
C. Bäuerle, Y. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher and H. Godfrin.
Proc. of the 21st. Int. Conf on Low Temp. Physics, Prague, Août 8-14 1996
Czekoslovak J. of Phys. 46, suppl S1, 403, 1996.

Two-dimensional Fermi-Liquid in the highly correlated regime: the second layer of 3He adsorbed on graphite.
K.-D. Morhard, C. Bäuerle, J. Bossy, Y. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher and H. Godfrin.
Phys. Rev B 53, 2658 (1996). pdf


A geometry dependent thermal resistance between a saturated dilute 3He /4He solution
and sintered silver powder.
D.J. Cousins, A. M. Guénault, G. R. Pickett, E. N.Smith, P.Thibault et R. P. Turner;
C. Bäuerle, Y. M. Bunkov, S. N. Fisher, and H. Godfrin.
J. of Low Temp. Phys. 101, 259 (1995).

Field Dependence of the Magnetization of adsorbed 3He Films at ultra low Temperatures.
C. Bäuerle, Y. M. Bunkov, S. N. Fisher, and H. Godfrin.
and G. Eska, S. Götz, J. Leib and T. Wagner .
J. of Low Temp. Phys. 101, 457 (1995).

2D liquid 3He near solidification: a highly correlated Fermi Liquid.
K.-D. Morhard, C. Bäuerle, J. Bossy, Y. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher and H. Godfrin.
J. of Low Temp. Phys. 101, 161 (1995).

NMR of Adsorbed 3He: Surface Physics at milliKelvin Temperatures
K.-D. Morhard, J. Bossy, C. Bäuerle, J.-P. Faure et H. Godfrin.
Invited chapter in "Magnetic Resonance of Noble Gases", Applied Magnetic Resonance Series,
Appl. Magn. Reson. 8, 401 (1995).


Condensation of 3He in 2 1/2 dimensions and indirect exchange in adsorbed film
H. Godfrin, R.E. Rapp, K.-D. Morhard, J. Bossy and C. Bäuerle.
Phys. Rev. B 49, R12377 (1994).