Speaker |
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Date |
Abstract ---- |
Local contact |
Christian MINIATURA (CQT Singapore) |
Coherent forward scattering peak in 1D and 2D disordered systems | Dec 12, 2014 | Abstract | Sergei Skipetrov |
Konstantin KIKOIN (Tel-Aviv University) |
Colloquium: Kondo effect in cold gases | Nov 28, 2014 | Abstract | Tim Ziman |
Marie PIRAUD (TU Munich) |
Vortex and Meissner phases of strongly-interacting bosons on a two-leg ladder | Nov 21, 2014 | Abstract | Markus Holzmann |
Zlatko PAPIC (Perimeter Institute) |
Topic in graphene | Nov 14, 2014 | Anna Minguzzi | |
Mircea TRIF (LPS Orsay) |
Electronic transport through magnetic and Josephson junctions coupled to an electromagnetic environment | Nov 13, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Yuli NAZAROV (TU Delft) |
Renyi entropy flows from quantum heat engines | Nov 7, 2014 | Abstract | Julia Meyer |
Charles GRENIER (ETH Zurich) |
Particle and heat transport in cold gases | Oct 31, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Alex ALTLAND (Uni Koeln) |
Quantum criticality of the topological Anderson insulator | Oct 24, 2014 | Abstract | Denis Basko |
Luca Fausto TOCCHIO (SISSA) |
The (extended) Hubbard model on the triangular lattice: how correlation and frustration lead to competing spin-liquid, magnetic-order and charge-order phases | Oct 17, 2014 | Abstract | Arnaud Ralko |
Stephan RACHEL (TU Dresden) |
Interacting topological insulators | Oct 3, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
The Feshbach Insulator: a New State of Quantum Matter | Sept 26, 2014 | Abstract | Markus Holzmann |
Patrizia VIGNOLO (INLN) |
Gap labelling in quasicrystals: from microwaves to ultracold atoms | Sept 19, 2014 | Abstract | Anna Minguzzi |
Daniele VARSANO (Uni-Roma) |
Optical properties of biological photo-receptors | Sept 12, 2014 | Abstract | Claudio Attacallite |
Davide SANGALLI (Politecnico Milan) |
Ultra-fast carriers dynamics in semi-conductors: a first-principles many-body approach | July 4, 2014 | Abstract | Claudio Attacallite |
Frank POLLMANN (MPI-Dresden) |
Density Matrix Renormalization Group: Probing the Topology of Quantum States | June 27, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Jian-Xin ZHU (LANL) |
LDA+DMFT Approach to Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of Strong Magnets | June 20, 2014 | Abstract | Jean-Pierre Julien |
Ulrich NIERSTE (KIT) |
Colloquium: Meson-antimeson mixing as a probe of new physics | June 13, 2014 | Abstract | Ingo Schienbein |
Jean-Noel FUCHS (LPTMC and LPS) |
Susceptibilite magnetique orbitale du graphene et de cristaux a bandes couplees | June 6, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Noa MAROM (Tulam Univ.) |
The Electronic Structure of Dye-Sensitized TiO2 Clusters | May 23, 2014 | Abstract | Valerio Olevano |
Philippe GHOSEZ |
Colloquium: Interplay between lattice, spin, orbital and charge orders in bulk and layered ABO3 perovskites | May 16, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Peter ORTH (KIT) |
Emergent Criticality and Friedan Scaling in a 2D Frustrated Heisenberg Antiferromagnet | April 25, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Catherine PEPIN (IPhT) |
Pseudo gap state from quantum criticality | Apr 18, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Matthias TROYER (ETHZ) |
Colloquium: Quantum Annealing and the D-Wave devices | April 11, 2014 | Abstract | Julia Meyer |
Fabrizio DOLCINI (NQS-Torino) |
Tunnel junction of helical edge states: Determining and controlling spin-preserving and spin-flipping tunnel processes | April 4, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Gregoire MISGUICH (IPhT) |
Numerics for an XXZ spin chain out of equilibrium | March 28, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Inanc ADAGIDELI (Sabanci Univ.) |
Majorana fermions from disorder | March 21, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Matthieu SAUBANERE (ICG) |
Lattice density functional theory : Numerical correlation-energy functional for the generalized Hubbard model | March 14, 2014 | Abstract | Marie-Bernadette Lepetit |
Tunneling spectroscopy near Anderson transitions with Coulomb interaction | Mar 7, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Michele FILIPPONE (Berlin) |
The quantum RC-circuit: universal and giant charge dissipation in strongly correlated regimes | Fev 14, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Douglas LUNDHOLM (KTH) |
Local exclusion and energy bounds for intermediate and fractional statistics | Fev 7, 2014 | Abstract | Nicolas Rougerie |
Marco GRILLI (Sapienza University) |
Intrinsic charge instability in oxide heterostructures with Rashba spinorbit coupling | Fev 5, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
George JACKELI (MPI-Stuttgart) |
Spin-orbit entanglement in Mott insulating oxides: Unusual interactions and possible exotic phases |
Jan 24, 2014 | Abstract | Mike Zhitomirsky |
Chaouqi MISBAH (UJF) |
Colloquium: Living fluids: blood flow and microswimmers | Jan 17, 2014 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Alain GELLÉ (Univ. Rennes) |
Étude ab initio des phonons cohérents dans le Bismuth | Dec 20, 2013 | Abstract | Arnaud Ralko |
Gregory SCHEHR (LPTMS) |
Maximal height of N non-intersecting Brownian excursions: from Yang-Mills theory to interfaces in disordered media | Dec 13, 2013 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Pavel GRIGORIEV (Landau Institute) |
Electronic transport as a tool to investigate the microscopic structure of a density-wave state | Dec 9, 2013 | Abstract | Mike Zhitomirsky |
Jean-Christian ANGLES D'AURIAC (Neel) | Locally self-similar phase diagram of a disordered Potts model on a hierarchical lattice | Dec 6, 2013 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Cristina BENA (LPS) |
Majorana and Andreev bound states in topological wires in the proximity of superconductors | Nov 29, 2013 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Guillaume JAMES (LJK) |
Colloquium: Localized waves in granular crystals | Nov 22, 2013 | Abstract | Denis Basko |
Istvan DARUKA (JKU-Linz) |
On the Growth and Phase Transitions of Self-Assembled Quantum Dots -- Theoretical Studies | Nov 15, 2013 | Abstract | Natalio Mingo |
Giuseppe CARLEO (Charles Fabry Lab) |
Universal Superfuid Transition and Transport Properties of Two-Dimensional Dirty Bosons | Nov 8, 2013 | Abstract | Markus Holzmann |
Bose-Einstein condensation of interacting particles and the quantum de Finetti theorem | Oct 18, 2013 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Jan von DELFT (LMU) |
Colloquium: Microscopic Origin of the 0.7-Anomaly in Quantum Point Contacts | Oct 10, 2013 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Josef KUDRNOVSKY (Czech Sci. Acad.) |
Theory of complex transport in magnetic metals and alloys | Oct 4, 2013 | Abstract | Yaroslav Kvashnin |
Colloquium: Discrete-time, discrete-space quantum theory | Sept 27, 2013 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Claudio ATTACALLITE (Neel Institute) |
Nonlinear optics from ab-initio by means of the dynamical Berry-phase | Sept 20, 2013 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
DFT modeling of the covalent functionalization of graphene: from ideal to realistic models | Sept 6, 2013 | Abstract | Mair Chshiev |
Andrea di CIOLO (Georgetown University) |
Phase diagram of the frustrated spin-1/2 XY and Heisenberg models on the honeycomb lattice |
Sept 6, 2013 | Abstract | Tim Ziman |
Maurizia PALUMMO (Tor Vergata, Roma) |
Two-dimensional nanosheets for opto-electronic applications | July 12, 2013 | Abstract | Claudio Attacallite |
Colloquium: First-passage statistics and search strategies | June 28, 2013 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Martin FIELD (IBS) |
Hybrid Potential Simulation Methods for Studying Enzyme Catalysis | June 21, 2013 | Abstract | Claudio Attacallite |
Ioannis ROUSOCHATZAKIS (IFW Dresden) |
Frustrated magnetism and resonating valence bond physics in 2D kagome-like magnets with inequivalent loops |
June 14, 2013 | Abstract | Arnaud Ralko |
Allan MacDONALD (Texas Univ.) |
Colloquium: Exciton Condensates are super! | Jun 10, 2013 | Abstract | Frank Hekking |
Lorenzo STELLA (UCL) |
Correlated Electron-Ion Dynamics (CEID): An efficient method to model
electronic (de)coherence from an atomistic point of view |
June 7, 2013 | Abstract | Claudio Attacallite |
Saverio MORONI (CNR-Trieste) |
Normal fluid phases of 3He in two dimensions | May 31, 2013 | Abstract | Markus Holzmann |
Colloquium: The new Resonating valence bond method for ab-initio electronic simulations | May 24, 2013 | Abstract | Markus Holzmann |
Thomas CHARNIER (Wigner Institute) |
Quantum computing with defect in diamond | May 17, 2013 | Abstract | Tim Ziman |
Steve SIMON (Oxford) |
Colloquium: Topological Matter and Why You Should Be Interested | May 3, 2013 | Abstract | Julia Meyer |
Tobias MENG (Basel) |
Spiral Luttinger liquids: helical nuclear spin order, Rashba nanowires, and their conductance | April 26, 2013 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Marco SCHIRO (Princeton) |
Quantum many body physics with strongly interacting light-matter systems | April 8, 2013 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Hamza JIRARI (Lyon) |
Quantum Brachistochrone | April 5, 2013 | Abstract | Frank Hekking |
Wilhelm ZWERGER (TU Munich) |
Colloquium: Scale Invariance in Atomic Physics: from Efimov states to Fermions at Unitarity | March 22, 2013 | Abstract | Markus Holzmann |
Nanoscale Nonlinear Thermoelectricity - Cooling, Catastrophes and Carnot | March 15, 2013 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Massimo RONTANI (S3-Modena) |
Visualizing electron correlation in nano-objects using a scanning
tunneling microscope: Molecules, quantum dots, carbon nanotubes |
March 8, 2013 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Ludger SANTEN (Saarland University) |
Many Particle Models of Stochastic Transport | March 1, 2013 | Abstract | Markus Holzmann |
Stefano GIORGINI (Trento University) |
Liquid and crystal phases of dipolar fermions in two dimensions | Feb 22, 2013 | Abstract | Markus Holzmann |
Mario BARBATTI (MPI-Muelheim) |
Mechanistic aspects of ultrafast photoprocesses in bioorganic systems | Feb 15, 2013 | Abstract | Valerio Olevano |
Jean-Sébastien CAUX (ITP-Amsterdam) |
Dynamics in one dimension: from integrability to inelastic neutron scattering and beyond | Feb 8, 2013 | Abstract | Anna Minguzzi |
Patrick ILG (ETH) |
Structural features underlying the dynamics of supercooled dynamics | Feb 1, 2013 | Abstract | Jean-Louis Barrat |
Breaking the Flux Limit: A novel Atom Laser using Time-Dependent Adiabatic Potentials | Jan 25 , 2013 | Abstract | Markus Holzmann |
Elisabeth AGORITSAS (Université de Genève) |
Static fluctuations of a thick 1D interface in the 1+1 Directed Polymer formulation | Jan 18, 2013 | Abstract | Jean-Louis Barrat |
Ahsan NAZIR (Imperial College) |
Phonon-enhanced coherent scattering in a driven quantum dot | Jan 11, 2013 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Arthur GOETSCHY (Yale) |
Partial control of information and correlations in scattering media | Jan 7, 2013 | Abstract | Sergey Skipetrov |
Leonie CANET (LPMMC) |
Critical properties of a growing interface described by the KPZ equation | Dec 14, 2012 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Pavel GRIGORIEV (Landau Institute) |
Interlayer magnetoresistance in strongly anisotropic quasi-2D compounds | Dec 7, 2012 | Abstract | Thierry Champel |
Non-equilibrium stationary states in the driven Hubbard model | Dec 3, 2012 | Abstract | Giovanni Sordi |
Sourav PAL (NCL-Pune) |
Shape resonance in electron- atom and electron-molecule molecule collision:
Complex absorbing potential based coupled-cluster theory |
Nov 28, 2012 | Abstract | Marie-Bernadette Lepetit |
Marcelo ROZENBERG (LPS-Orsay) |
Colloquium: Mechanism of resistive switching in bipolar transition metal oxides | Nov 23, 2012 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Nicolas WSCHEBOR (Montevideo University) |
Going beyond perturbation theory in reaction-diffusion problems | Nov 16, 2012 | Abstract | Leonie Canet |
Mathieu LEWIN (University of Cergy) |
How much energy does it cost to make a hole in an ideal Fermi gas? | Nov 9, 2012 | Abstract | Nicolas Rougerie |
Jean-Francois JOANNY (Institut Curie) |
Colloquium: Mechanics and instabilities of healthy and cancerous tissues | Oct 26, 2012 | Abstract | Jean-Louis Barrat |
Hui Khoon NG (University of Singapore) |
Transport in 1D revisited: A simple, exact solution for phase disorder | Oct 19, 2012 | Abstract | Bart Van Tiggelen |
Pablo CORNAGLIA (CNEA Bariloche) |
Tunable spin and charge Seebeck effects in magnetic molecular junctions | Oct 12, 2012 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Giancarlo STRINATI (University of Camerino) |
Density and spin response of a Fermi gas in the
attractive and quasi-repulsive regime |
Oct 5, 2012 |
Abstract | Markus Holzmann |
Chaos and transport in disordered classical nonlinear chains | Sept 28, 2012
Abstract | Serge Florens |
Joakim BERGLI (University of Oslo) |
Relaxation processes in Coulomb glasses | Sept 21, 2012
Abstract | Denis Basko |
Vincenzo SAVONA (EPFL) |
The superfluid-insulator phase diagram of 1-D weakly interacting bosons in a disorder potential |
Sept 14, 2012 | Abstract | Markus Holzmann |
From Giant Magneto Resistance in nano-pillars to spin torque in domain Wall | June 29, 2012 |
Abstract | Serge Florens |
Emerging integrable structures in Abelian and non-Abelian quantum Hall liquids | June 22, 2012 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Silvana BOTTI (LPMCN) |
Ab initio study of electronic excitations in materials for thin-film solar cells | June 15, 2012 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
Jean BELLISSARD (GaTech) |
Colloquium: Mouvements atomiques dans les solides apériodiques | June 1, 2012 | Abstract | Dominique Spehner |
Sebastien BURDIN (LOMA) |
The modulated spin liquid and hidden order in URu2Si2 | May 14, 2012 | Abstract | Tim Ziman |
Jakob YNGVASON (Universitaet Wien) |
Colloquium: Dimensional reduction for cold Bose gases and the effects of a random potential | May 11, 2012 | Abstract | Nicolas Rougerie |
Andrey VASENKO (ILL) |
Andreev current enhancement and subgap conductance in the presence of a small spin-splitting field | April 6, 2012 |
Abstract | Tim Ziman |
Giovanni SORDI (ILL) |
Mott physics in cuprates: insights from cluster dynamical mean-field theory | March 30, 2012 |
Abstract | Tim Ziman |
Colloquium: Simulation of reaction currents | March 23, 2012 | Abstract | Jean-Louis Barrat |
Marion MOLLINER (Université de Cergy) |
Conductance of low-dimensional strongly correlated systems | Feb 24, 2012 |
Abstract | Tim Ziman |
Nicolas DIDIER (ENS-Pisa) |
Quantum transducer in circuit optomechanics | Feb 3, 2012 | Abstract | Serge Florens |
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