Quantum Mechanics I


IPhy Semester 7 (September-November). This course at the beginning of Semester 7 completes the lectures in elementary quantum physics, intended for students coming from PET, with respect to the curriculum of the PMP section. Lecture in French. The lecture outline is

  1Quantum mechanical postulates and Dirac formalism

  2 Angular momenta

  3 The hydrogen atom

  4 Variational approach and chemical binding

Solutions 13/14 Solutions 16/17 Solutions 20/21Solutions 21/22

Quantum Mechanics II


IPhy Semester 7 (October-January). This second course in quantum mechanics deepens the physical concepts describing the microscopic properties of matter. The lecture outline is:
1 Brief introduction to foundations of quantum mechanics: Lagrangian mechanics, canonical quantization, Hamiltonian including vector potential, entanglement.
2 Angular momenta: applications to magnetism, addition of angular momenta
3 Harmonic oscillator
4 Stationary perturbation theory and corrections to hydrogen atom levels
5 Time-dependent perturbation theory and Fermi's golden rule
6 Introduction to light-matter interaction
The lectures are in French.

Many-Body Quantum Mechanics


This course in Semester 8 introduces the quantum mechanical description of systems of identical particles using the second quantized formalism. The teaching language is English. The lecture outline is

1 Introduction: Symmetry properties of quantum states of identical particles, density operator, propagators.

2 Number states and observables in the second quantized formalism

3 Quantization of the electromagnetic field and light-matter interaction

4 A glimpse on interacting many-electron systems in solids

Advanced Microscopies


Nanotech Semester 4 (February-March). This Master 1 course gives an introduction to the physics at play in and around a Scanning Tunneling Microscope. It is completed by a practical session during which an STM is operated. The lecture outline is

1 Quantum tunneling of electrons: quantum picture of electrons in a solid; Fermi level and work function; bias and gate voltage; from square barrier tunneling to WKB; tunneling spectroscopy

2 Practical aspects of STM and instrumentation: vibrations, electronics, piezoelectric control, the role of atomic orbitals in imaging

3 Selected topics (may vary from year to year): spin-polarized tunneling; imaging mesoscopic superconductivity (vortices, bound states, inhomogeneous superconductivity,...); inelastic tunneling; electronic surface states;/...

Those who wish can download (register first) a free STM simulator from Nanonis/SPECS. Very instructive and quite amusing.

Quantum Electronic Transport


Held at the European Summerschool on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ESONN, August. This graduate-level course introduces relevant aspects of quantum transport, both in the normal and in the superconducting state. Lecture in English.

Introduction to Nanophysics


Summerschool, June. This introductory course to Nanophysics presents several phenomena at play at the nanoscale. Topics include (i) Forces on the nanoscale (electrostatics, van der Waals, Casimir, applications to NEMS and AFM), (ii) Electron tunneling and applications (tunneling spectroscopy, STM, electronic transport through quantum dots, Coulomb blockade) and (iii) Coherent transport in mesoscopic devices (conductance quantization, Aharonov-Bohm effect, superconducting devices). Lecture in English.